On the stock market. Look for opportunity and when you see it, act decisively. Avoid loss (often easier said than done). Nevertheless efforts to minimize loss are worthwhile. Holding cash is sometimes the wise position until compelling opportunity presents itself.
Always be looking for opportunities. Don’t try to force the issue. Be patient, maintain discipline until the bargains appear (they will). Become a student of ways to avoid market mayhem. See Benjamin Graham’s book, The Intelligent Investor; chapters 8 to 20 cover Warren Buffet’s key investment points.
Make sure there is a margin of safety in valuation and invest in quality situations. Stay within your knowledge base. You need a lot of confidence in yourself to compete effectively. Look for great businesses that have the potential to double in value over 3 to 5 years.
If you are not able to manage your investments with confidence and good performance, get an asset manager to do it for you. Choose carefully.
There is a looming national housing shortage. The shortage will persist for a while because the cities are largely built-out where jobs and business opportunities are located. The outlook for investments in real estate is good.
Real estate. New York City, i.e. Manhattan, contains about 10% of the nation’s office inventory. As of spring 2015, NYC office occupancy is about 90%. LA is just over 84%